Two Years Old!

Today is the second year anniversary since I started the great adventure that has been Intrepid Muses. Thank you to all my new friends for their encouragement and support!

The unofficial motto for this blog can be found in the words of GK Chesterton:

“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”

GK Chesterton
What’s Wrong with the World,

Well to a few more years of trying to do a thing worth doing but end up doing it badly.

God Bless everyone,


4 thoughts on “Two Years Old!”

  1. You have given your best Caleb in the time you have had to Blog, many times I have been blessed by your messages and your comments on my Blog, do we always agree No! but we always do on God’s Love, which you show abundantly because it is in your heart and so it is shown in your words and actions.

    As believers in our KING of Kings and LORD OF Lords, we always remember whatever we do in word or deeds we do for Him so we give our best… Do we fail maybe sometimes in a worldly view but not by His reckoning.

    Love you Caleb in Christ Jesus and always will- Anne.

    1. Dear Anne,

      Thank you for such a touching comment that comes from a very loving heart. I am deeply touched by your loving words. From the bottom of my heart thank you! I will always keep them close to me.

      You have been a blessing in many different ways. I am glad that I met you through our blogs. I have been privileged to participate in many discussion with you and share our love for Christ.

      God Bless you and as always keep me in your prayers!


    1. Much appreciated! I have been taking some time off from blogging due to my busy schedule. Hope to come back soon!

      Yeah, time just flies!!! You should do a post things you have learned from your two year blogging adventure!

      Hope all is well and God bless!

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