Tag Archives: Star Wars: Force Awakens

My Top 5 movies of 2015

Here are my top 5 movies for 2015:

5. Star Wars: Force Awakens – JJ thank you for re-kindling the excitement for a galaxy far away…

4. Bridges of Spies – This movie marks the return of Steven Spielberg to high form.

3. Inside Out – A brilliant and emotional screen representation of what goes up in our brains.

2. Mad Max: Furry Road – Probably the best action film ever. I was mesmerized not only by its nimble and sharp script but also by the fact that it is a story about redemption that plays against the backdrop of stunning visuals and exhilarating action sequences. Absolutely Brilliant!

1. The Revenant – This movie is an achievement in film making.


There are plenty of movies that were release in 2015 that I haven’t seen like Slow West, Creed, Sicario, The Walk, and in the Heart of the Sea among others…I just noticed that The Martian didn’t make my list but it was a fun movie to watch.